Building a Legacy of Faith

 St. Benedict Catholic Church OFFICES & RECTORY REMODEL



5:00 PM - 9:30PM

Our History

Saint Benedict Parish started out as Saint Juliana Parish, a tiny wood church in Spenard, Alaska. That church was replaced by a larger wooden-framed building (see photo above, Saint Juliana after being moved to current Jewel Lake Road site). In the late 1960s, Saint Juliana Parish literally picked up and moved to the then-growing Sand Lake area of Anchorage. 
     So how did the church get re-named to Saint Benedict Parish? According to a Archbishop Ryan, who was here at the time, during the move to its current location, this coincided with a special visitation by a Benedictine priest. In honor of that priest's intended stay in Anchorage, the Archbishop re-named Saint Juliana Parish to be Saint Benedict Parish -- in the priest's honor. Ironically, the priest never stayed, the name of the parish did.
     The first new building to be built was the rectory -- at that time planned to house two priests. Later the new church was built. The building that was moved continues to be used, now serving as the parish "Archangel Attic".
     History doesn't not just stop, however. It's a living thing. As our history continues, we'll be watching for a new youth center going up -- downhill from the Saint Juliana Parish building, and just behind our current church and the rectory.
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