Building a Legacy of Faith
St. Benedict Catholic Church OFFICES & RECTORY REMODEL
Join together in song, under the talented direction of our music director Steve Ring. Rehearsals on Thursday evenings, 7pm in the church. Sing at 10:30am Sunday Mass, as your schedule allows. Contact Steve Ring our new music director, to find out when you can start.
Boys and girls from grade 3 and above who assist the priest at the liturgy. Training is provided.
Responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens. This includes the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals, and altar linens. Helps decorate church for Easter and Christmas.
Our hours are Tuesday-Thursday 12-3pm, Friday 10-3pm and Saturday 10-4pm. The Archangel Attic is a ministry providing those of our Commmunity affordable shopping while finacially supporting the work of Lumen Christi High School. This Thrift Store accepts gently used donations ranging from clothing, toys, small household items, and sporting goods to artwork and jewelry. Volunteers are always welcome and needed. Schedules are fleible. Christ's presence is felt in the daily interaction of all who work and shop in the Archangel Attic.
Adoration is offered: Monday—Friday 10:00AM-10:00PM
You are welcome to come in to pray during these times. ~ Call the office to get the code to the adoration door.
*Call Marcy at the office to sign up*
“Could you not watch one hour with me?” (Mt. 6:21; 26:40)
Join us Monday nights at 7 pm in the Convent Chapel to read and reflect upon the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel, Liturgy of the Hours (books provided for new members), and prayer (intercessory, and alternating Rosary or Divine Mercy). Contact the coordinator.
We are one of the largest national organizations of Catholic Women in the world dedicated to strengthening their spiritual life through Christ and his Church, Mission Statement: Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. The court is comprised of Archdiocesan women. CDA monthly meetings are at Holy Rosary Academy on the second Monday at 7:00pm. Please come.
We provide one meal a month on the fourth Tuesday of the month to serve up to 50 people at the Clare House. This can require up to 12 peole each month. Clare House is an emergency shelter for women and women with children operated by Catholic Social Services. Clare House, in the spirit of Saint Clare of Assisi, serves as a temporary haven through which homeless women are those with children ar eassisted on their paths toward independence and self-respect.
Many within our parish family cannot attend Weekend Masses due to disability, infirmity, or illness. The early Church made a point of helping such people, letting them know they were an active part of the community and were missed each weekend. Lay ministers take communion to our shut-ins after Sunday Masses, or at a convenient day and time during the week.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass,. The ideal frequency of service is monthly however, due to participation, ministers may be required to serve more often. We require 6-7 Extraordinary Ministers at each Mass for the weekend.
Volunteers gather donated supplies (food) for a patron who is in need of food and then contacts a driver to deliver the food.
Drivers received a call from on the the Pantry volunteers to inform them of how many deliveries for the day and the phone number and addresses of each delivery. The delivery area is restricted so they do not deliver all over the city. Volunteers are always welcome for Pantry or Driver. Seasonal and substitute volunteers are welcome.
Volunteers who care for and beautify the Church grounds and Rectory.
Youth in grades 6th-8th are all invited to our bi-monthly get together. We meet on the first and third Thursdays of the month. We even meet on the fifth Thursday if there is one. We get together for food, games, fellowship, and faith.
Our group is called Our Lady of Good Success and is open to the youth ages 8 to 18. We meet on Fridays at 10am and participate in projects that support our community in honor of Mary. The youth also enjoy many fun and exciting special occasion, seasonal, and social events.
We are a Catholic men's organization open to any Catholic male 18 years and older who is a Practicing Catholic and in good standing. We are dedicated to promotin the virtues of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. This organization is involved in helping the parish, youth, families, and our community. There are many opportunities to volunteer, and you may be as active as you would like to be. Our business meeting is held each first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm
Reads the Opening Announcement before Mass and who proclaim the Old and New Testament readings and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass.
We are a branch of this worldwide organization and have been meeting at Saint Benedict Pariish for the las 50 plus years. The aim of the Legion is to promote the holiness of its members and to encourage them to spread the Gospel. This is done under the spiritual leadership of Mary Immaculate in union with the pastor.
This ministry brings meals to new parents upon the arrival of a new child to their family. to help relieve some of the stress of bringing home a new baby. Our goal is to provide at least three meals to each Saint Benedict family with a new baby.
Esto Vir (Be a Man)
Faithfully Catholic, unapologetically masculine. Our men's ministry features good food (think roasted pig, bbq ribs, steak, etc) a challenging presentation, followed by question and answers. We meet on the second Thursday each month at 6 pm at the school.
We meet after morning Mass each Tuesday in the rectory. Separate and count the money. One person completes and records the total results. Two people together make the deposit to the bank.
Held the second Sunday of each month between October and March. This is a popular parish event that needs cooks, waite staff, and dishwashers.
People that get together each first Saturday of the month from September to April at 6:45pm to play Pinochle. Good time and fellowship.
In time of need, or questioning, or joy, we the family of Saint Benedict Parish can offer support by prayer, Do you have a few minutes on occasion to pray for those requesting prayers? Your prayers are very important. There is both a phone and an email Prayer Chain.
Rite of Christian Initiation – is the process that the Catholic Church uses to instruct those inquiring about the basic beliefs of the Catholic Church. We meet each Monday evening at 6:30 pm beginniing the last Monday in September until Penticost. Everyone is invited. Even if you are Catholic and want to renew your faith, or you are needing to complete your sacraments of initiation. Everyone is welcome.
We meet at Jewel Lake Bowl each Sunday from September thru April at 4:30pm and have a really great time. Bowling and socializing outside of the Parish.
We meet in the Lumen Christi Gym weekly from 1-3pm to get together for our children to have a time to socialize and have fun with other children with families of like mind. We aslo meet at various parks during the summer months. All are welcome.
A marvelous opportunity for prayer at home with the whole family. Different households sign up for a week of prayer and return the statue in time for the Saturday 5:00pm Mass. The new schedule comes out quarterly for sign up oin the back of the Church.
Greets the congregation as they enter the church, offers the weekly Welcome Page, helps late comers find seats, passes out the basskets for the Offertory Collection and directs the Communion Procession. We need 4 Ushers for each Mass. The ideal frequency of service is monthly; however, due to participation, ministers may be required to serve more often.
An exciting week long adventure that allows young and old alike to "become like children". The main focus is stories from the Bible and of young Saints. The adventure includes crafts and games, music and activities, play and prayer. This takes place for a week in the month of June each year.
Our Women's ministry gathers to explore issues affecting marriage in a calm, thoughtful setting. On the third Thursday night in the month.. Rooted in natural law, social science and plain good sense to provide support and instruction on the meaning and magnificence. A cheerful movement to support the historic understanding of marriage.
Youth Night is a gathering for high school youth that focuses on food, faith, fellowship, and fun. We gather each Wednesday evening from 7-9pm. Friends are always welcome.
Our Young Adults meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month. We get together for different events in the Upper Room of the School such as movies, games, fun, and food. Please join us.