Building a Legacy of Faith
St. Benedict Catholic Church OFFICES & RECTORY REMODEL
5:00 PM - 9:30PM
Join together in song, under the talented direction of our choir director. Rehearsals on Tuesday evenings, 7pm in the Choir Loft. Sing at 11:30am Sunday Mass, as your schedule allows. Contact the choir director.
Boys and girls from grade 3 and above who assist the priest at the liturgy.
Responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens. This includes the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals, and altar linens.
Our hours are Tuesday-Thursday 12-3pm, Friday 10-3pm and Saturday 10-4pm. The Archangel Attic is a ministry providing those of our Commmunity affordable shopping while finacially supporting the work of Lumen Christi High School. This Thrift Store accepts gently used donations ranging from clothing, toys, small household items, and sporting goods to artwork and jewelry. Volunteers are always welcome and needed. Schedules are fleible. Christ's presence is felt in the daily interaction of all who work and shop in the Archangel Attic.
Join us Monday nights at 7 pm in the Convent Chapel to read and reflect upon the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel, Liturgy of the Hours (books provided for new members), and prayer (intercessory, and alternating Rosary or Divine Mercy). Contact the coordinator.
This is a monthly gathering to seek a more profound understanding of what it means to be a woman of God through quarterly presentations by local speakers and spiritual teachings from Pope St John Paul II and female Saints (while sharing food and fellowship with other women). Contact Karen at
Blessed Sacrament Adoration Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Oct. 5th @ 7:00PM in the Library at the school. At the moment we are finishing up the book "Mere Christianity" We have read and discussed books from Scott Hahn, C. S. Lewis, Matthew Kelly and many others. Come and join us. If you have questions call the office and ask for Bob.
We will discuss ...
“Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis
Pgs. 115 to the end
We will discuss our next book at that meeting
Contact Lynn Stuhr @ or 907-830-1627
Provides a meal once a month on the fourth Tuesday of each month to the people living at Clare House in downtown Anchorage.
Held Friday evenings at 6:30PM in the Chapel during Lent followed by soup and sharing in the Sacred Heart Hall.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound.
Volunteers who care for and beautify the grounds and church.
Once a month on the first Saturday of the month. We go to Hope Community Kitchen in downtown Anchorage. We make and put together lunches for those in need of a meal. We have all ages of people helping out.
Jr. Legion of Mary Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Reader who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other services.
Legion of Mary Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
All women are welcome! Gatherings are on occasion and announced in the bulletin and in this space when scheduled. For more information, please email us. Babysitting is available.
This is a monthly meeting of men to understand more about what it means to be men of God. There is food, fellowship. and a presentation monthly on different ways in our life we can learn how to "Be a Man" of God.
Order of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments.
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group volunteers about once a month.
Volunteers who coordinate social activities and gatherings of parishioners during the year.
Preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith.
Unite as a community praying the Rosary for the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death. Meditative hymns are sung, along with the recitation of the Rosary. No experience required. Mentors provided. Contact the coordinators.
Duties include preparing the altar for Mass and cleaning the altar following Mass.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of St. Anyone Parish.
Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.
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