Building a Legacy of Faith

 St. Benedict Catholic Church OFFICES & RECTORY REMODEL

Faith Formation Registration 

Super Sundays

Who: Preschool thru eighth grade and their parents.

What: Family catechesis from 1:30-2PM followed by CCD for the children with optional adult education classes for the parents.

When: Sundays from 1:30-3PM. Classes begin Sept. 29, 2024.

High School Program

Who: 9th thru 11th grade

What: Faith Formation and Confirmation

When: Sundays from 4:00-5:45 pm. Class begins Sept. 29th (Parents please accompany your child to 1st class)

Registration Fee

$45 for the first child plus $35 for each additional child. Maximum fee of $100 per family.

You can visit this website to pay online.

Registration Form


Fr. Tom is livestreaming the Mass each day. The Masses are also archived so you can view them later in the day, also.

Online evangelization and catechesis

We subscribe to a great online site with hundreds of hours of Catholic movies, educational series, and books., sign up and get access to it all.

  1. go to
  2. click Sign Up
  3. click I belong to a parish/organization
  4. type in Saint Benedict and look for our address (8110 Jewel Lake Rd. Anchorage, AK) and then enter name and email!
  5. choose what you want to watch. It’s simple!

Bible Study

We will meet every 2nd-5th Wednesday at 7PM. If you are interested, please contact Bob McMorrow

Book Club

Our book club has been meeting the first Thursday of each month. We are about to begin a new book so please contact Bob McMorrow for more details!

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